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Real-World Examples Of Our Expertise

Activating a Co-Marketing Campaign for Partner IoT Solutions

We helped a global technology company build and run a scale partner, co-marketing program to create industry-specific high-value content to showcase an IoT story and provide a roadmap for partner and customer engagement.

Partner GTM

The Situation

Building on a long-standing alliance and co-engineering efforts, two global cloud and technology companies set out to boost their shared revenue with an Internet of Things (IoT) co-marketing campaign. Looking at both the differentiated services within their respective technology stacks and combined strengths, the joint GTM needed to highlight hero IoT partner solution offerings and accelerate co-sell toward driving transformation of customer’s environments, from the intelligent cloud to the intelligent edge. 

The Solution

Bridge Partners collaborated with the product and partner marketing teams from both organization to develop the foundation for its multi-million-dollar campaign, including developing the joint positioning-messaging framework and campaign narrative. From there, the Bridge team created a complete suite of sales and marketing content, oriented by verticals and showcasing over 30 partner solutions available in cloud marketplace. Assets included sales enablement playbooks, as well as full-funnel customer-ready content— from web copy and eBooks, to pitch decks, solution sales assets, and webinars. 

The Results

'Better together' Narrative

for the new campaign landed on a new customer website and through sales channels.

3 sales playbooks

for priority industries, highlighting joint solutions, use cases, and customer stories.

30+ IoT partners

featured across sales and marketing channels and full-funnel content packages

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